Monday, October 26, 2009

Tender Mercy

So I started getting tired today at about 2:30. I felt like I was never going to make it through the day (I work till 5:30) let alone the next six months. But work started to get a little quieter and then my cell phone rang, and it was Michael, the BYU student who was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma a couple of years ago.

The last time I talked with him, I hadn't been officially diagnosed. He just asked if I knew yet and I told him that I had started chemo and was now "in" the process. He said that my number kept on popping up on his phone and he didn't even have my name down but he knew that I was the one who talked with him before. Anyway, that phone call was seriously the nicest gift from heaven. I was just starting to feel like I couldn't make it, then I got a phone call from someone who says says, "You can do it." I can do it. It's 5:20 right now and I'm feeling a little more lively. I took my Zofran and two advil and I'm ready for the walk home, a nap, eat a little, study a little, and then an amazing day tomorrow.


  1. Hi, Mykensie. Camie's sister here, Valerie. Just wanted you to know we're thinking of you with great empathy (2 kids have gone through chemo). Our hair advice? Buzz before it starts really falling out. 1/2 through, Marian's scalp was so tender, it really hurt her for us to work with it, so she had a crazy trim for, it's less traumatic to lose it once instead of for a week. That was easier with the baby--precious little to start with!

  2. Hi Mykensie!
    Just wanted you to know that you will be in my prayers. Just having gone through chemo last year I understand what you must be going through. Reading your entries brings back lots of memories for me. One day at a time Mykensie. Look for the Lord's tender mercies each day. Expressing my gratitude to Him for anything and everything helped me get through some of the roughest days. You're so blessed to have a family that loves you so much. And you have many of us cheering for you. You can do it! Lots of love to you! Yo & Duane
